Hasil gambar untuk Bounty Bubbletone

"Our company has been in telecom business for more than 20 years. Seventeen years ago we were among the first to create a platform for intelligent communication services, including fixed-mobile convergence at Allo Incognito company operating in Russia.For more than 18 years we have been successfully developing our own MVNO operator company with a client base of over 250,000 subscribers.But as an MVNO operator offering its services only in limited areas, we are still unable to provide our clients with global roaming service despite many efforts" Yury Morozov Founder

“Blockchain in Telecom” ecosystem provides direct interaction between end-users, mobile operators and service-providers via smart contracts.https://bubbletone.io/

It eliminates hundreds of intermediators, dramatically reduces costs of mobile services (up to 10 times while going abroad), and saves years and millions of $$ on implementation of the oldfashioned and ineffective roaming technology.

How it works: any mobile carrier could publish its own prepaid tariff plans (“Offers”) as smart contracts. These Offers are visible to all other operators and their subscribers. By selecting an Offer, a new “Request” smart contract is created, with the Digital Identity of a subscriber and Payment transaction.
What is Bubbletone ?

Bubbletone is the global decentralized distributor of mobile devices connecting to home carrier and abroad carriers.

Bubbletone is The first decentralized telecom ecosystem that allows mobile network operators, phone users and service providers to interact directly.


• Transactions are incontestable. Operations conducted in blockchain are nearly impossible
to fake or hide. This factor is important both for operators and their clients.
• Data are safe. An entire blockchain is kept on many nodes within the network, in many
copies, so the chance of data loss is extremely low.
• The transaction error rate is minimized, as each action is controlled by a strict code on the
operators’ nodes.
• Less traffic is transmitted among operators — all interactions are now conducted via a
decentralized p2p network.
• Any additional code the system runs on is void of sensitive information that could be
stolen. The only data requiring protection are the private keys of the participants.
• Other benefits of a specific blockchain are given below.https://bubbletone.io/BubbleTone_Whitepaper_ENG-Jan18.pdf

 Problems for the regional carriers

The technology of roaming is cumbersome, expensive and hard to implement. It bears cost on the integration of carriers, measured in years and millions of dollars. As a result, the roaming services market has become virtually monopolized by the major carriers, and it is closed to regional carriers. The latter actually lose their subscribers at a time when they are traveling abroad.

Solutions of Bubbletone Blockchain for carriers

By connecting to Bubbletone Blockchain, carriers will avoid the need to enter into roaming agreements. Mobile carriers will be able to connect to Bubbletone Blockchain through a simple API (Application Programming Interface). They do not have to go through a complicated and lengthy process, as in the case of roaming.

How it works?

Initially, any mobile carrier could publish its own prepaid tariff plans (“Offers”) as smart contracts. These Offers are visible to all other operators and their subscribers. By selecting an Offer, a new “Request” smart contract is created, with the Digital Identity of a subscriber and payment transaction in SDR tokens. Each transaction has UMT to be processed by Super Nodes.https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3075196


ICO starts : 

20.04.18, 10AM (London time)
Token price:
1 ETH = 4000 UMT
Hard cap:
15 000 000 USD
Accepted currencies:

Q1’2018 Initial version of smart contracts is ready. The first “Offer” and “Request” are on the Blockchain platform. Demonstration of the platform at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (February’18). Integration with major eSIM platforms to download mobile profiles onto SIM cards.

Q2’2018 Web-API for integration of mobile operators and service providers. Integration of Digital Identity into Bubbletone app. Commercial launch, with “Offers” from 10+ mobile operators are on Blockchain, low rates in 80+ countries.

Q3’2018 Global Mobile Profile approval by International Telecommunication Union. Update Mini Nodes to participate in processing smart contracts. New features in the Bubbletone app: Voting platform based on Blockchain, 4K video- conferences, transfer of fiat money and crypto currencies.

Q4’2018 Expanding list of mobile operators and service providers connected to Bubbletone Blockchain Ecosystem.

Q1-Q4’201 9 Signing agreements with mobile operators worldwide to activate the Global Mobile Profile. First prototype of a global SIM-chip to be embedded into mobile devices. The first 1 million transactions are processed.


Details Information : 

Username : chaukhchi

Eth : 0x8725Dcd3B510ef1bB8Ea5b86Eb361Df93155DBe5


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