BelugaPay-The World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Database

According to the World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Database, as of 2015, almost two-thirds of the populations of justfive countries — Indonesia, Philippines, Nigeria, Colombia, and Peru (a combined 630 million people) — remain unbanked.

If one includes all middle income and developing nations, that number rises to a whopping 3 billion-plus humans without access to a bank account, let alone access to basic financial tools such as a debit card. Despite leaps made by financial technologies in the past few decades, it is clear that accesss to simple, 21st century financial utilities remains shockingly low.

BELUGA aims to leverage these new technologies to develop an open source asset transferring platform. By thus providing the tools for small businesses and their customers in developing countries to go digital.


BELUGA’s mission to help the unbanked billions become part of a newer, better, and fairer global financial system. BELUGA will be fully compliant in every jurisdiction it operates in, with strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and AntiMoney Laundering (AML) processes.

Our mission is to make life easier for merchants

We believe it is possible to have one solution to manage payments for your business, customers and personal life.

01.Beluga Point of Sale

A robust mobile app to accept debit, credit and crypto for small businesses. Manage customers and grow with actionable analytics.

02.BELUGA Restaurant Edition

A tablet app to manage servers, tables, orders and food menu. Streamlined to even print out incoming orders for the kitchen.

03.Beluga Peer 2 Peer

An easy to use mobile app to initiate peer 2 peer transfers with friends. Send via credit, debit or crypto and deposit the next day to your bank account.

04.Beluga Payment Data

Merchants can purchase data with BBI tokens to see anonymized spending patterns from their ideal look-alike customers.

Our Vission

To help the unbanked billions become part of a newer, better,
and fairer global financial system.BELUGA will be fully compliant in every jurisdiction it operates in, with strict Know Your Customer (KYC) and AntiMoney Laundering (AML) processes.

How It Works
  1. Consumer buys a product or consumes a service from a merchant using one of our products. For example a customer orders food in a restaurant using BELUGA’s Restaurant Edition Application.
  2. Consumer makes payment for the product or service using Fiat Currency (ex. $USD) or Crypto currency (Bitcoin, Ether or BBI).
  3. If the payment is made using a credit card in Fiat Currency, the merchant can decide to use BBI tokens in order to receive an Instant Merchant Deposit* instead of having to wait the traditional two working days for the settlement to occur.
  4. If the payment is made using cryptocurrency, the settlement process is initiated and the payment to the merchant in the form of the respective cryptocurrency is transferred instantly.
  5. Loyalty points are accumulated for consumers on every purchase of a product and service. Loyalty points for merchants are accumulated on every sale of a product and service.
  6. Loyalty points can be redeemed when the consumer or merchant collect enough points.
  7. Loyalty points are redeemed in the form Fiat currencies or BELUGA’s BBI crypto currency or other cryptocurrency.
  8. The ratio of points with currencies is calculated using built-in congurators and Oracles based on the market dynamics.

Beluga Payment Data API

Access insightful anonymous customer spending data to make better business decisions :

1.Use BBI tokens to purchase anonymous shopping behavior

Access the Payment Data API using Beluga’s native token BBI.

2.Create look alike customers

See patterns of when, where your best customers like to shop and create models that reflect their behavior.

3.Market your business more efficiently

Knowing where else your customers shop allows you to create cross-channel marketing experiences.

Beluga Point of Sale

Process sales in credit, debit cards, crypto and also monitor cash sales

Beluga Restaurant Edition

Beluga offers a food and beverage industry management system for small and medium businesses, using a tablet thats connected to a local server which frequently updates to the cloud. This lets the business operate even when internet is not optimal.

Beluga Peer 2 Peer Transfers

It doesn’t make sense that only people in the developed world can send money to friends. Beluga will enable people around the world to transfer money to their friends.

Beluga Payment Data Analytics

Big Data is a new and crucial way for small businesses to better know their customers behaviors and patterns. We will build smart solutions to create new revenue streams and grow sales.

BBI Token Utility


BBI can purchase Beluga Pro membership with advanced analytics and CRM tools.


BBI is used to increase merchant deposit speeds, from three businesses days, down to one.

3. Loyalty rewards

BBI used for rewards (similar to Air Miles).

Tokensale Details

  1. Is held by Canadian company Beluga Inc. The IP will be transferred to a not-for-profit Beluga Foundation with a mission to advance tools and services for the unbanked merchants.
  2. Beluga Foundation will incorporate as a not-for-profit in Switzerland or Cayman Islands which are known for IP protection, privacy laws and favorable cryptocurrency frameworks.

BBI Token holders Benefits

Beluga Points Benefits

BBI Architecture Blocks

BELUGA’s solution is a Hybrid Blockchain model where capabilities are on a BELUGA Private Blockchain BELUGAcore platform along with loyalty and AI environment and the Wallets and Token Balances are kept and transferred between addresses at the Public Blockchain level.

BBI’s architecture intends to support hundreds of dierent cryptocurrencies to add exibility to cryptocurrency holders. The communication between the private and public blockchain is done through REST, JSON or other APIs.

Market Opportunity

The financial technology sector is a massive and growing market

There are large incumbent technology companies that serve as good markets for success but have failed to truly provide solutions for merchants in developing countries and solutions for the cryptocurrency market:

BELUGA Bank Ecosystem

BELUGA Product Overview

Beluga believes the world can be a better place with open and validated payment solutions to connect merchants, consumers in a hybrid crypto and traditional banking environment.

BELUGA’s solution

is a Hybrid Blockchain model where capabilities are on a BELUGA Private Blockchain BELUGAcore platform along with loyalty and AI environment and the Wallets and Token Balances are kept and transferred between addresses at the Public Blockchain level.



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