
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2018

Cibus-Revolusi Ekosistem Makanan di Dunia Blockchain

Dunia Cryptocurrency menyajikan banyak peluang bagi semua, ini memungkinkan Anda mengembalikan perusahaan startup selama ICO,Saat ini dengan bertambahnya jumlah orang semakin mendorong tersedianya kebutuhan pangan dan suplemen makanan. Masyarakat pasti mencari sumber makanan bergizi sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka, dan melihat secara langsung bagian informasi gizi yang biasanya disediakan oleh pemasok bahan makanan. Namun, banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat dalam menemukan informasi nilai gizi ini, terkadang para pemasok tidak memasukkan informasi mengenai nilai gizi sesuai dengan informasi yang sebenarnya. Hal ini menyebabkan penurunan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap pemasok makanan, karena diketahui bahwa transparansi informasi tentang nilai gizi yang terkandung dalam suplemen makanan atau makanan sangat dibutuhkan oleh konsumen demi kebutuhan mereka. Memulai Pembangunan Kami menyadari bahwa ini adalah masalah serius dan mulai mengembangkan platform, di mana produsen d...

Coinvest ICO Review

Website : Sejak penemuan bitcoin pada tahun 2009, sebuah kelas aset baru telah muncul, yaitu cryptocurrencies. Dibangun pada teknologi blockchain, kemahiran digital ini menawarkan janji untuk menciptakan kembali ekonomi riil, karena desourisasi mereka yang terdesentralisasi, keamanan yang lebih baik, dan pemrosesan yang lebih cepat, sangat luas. perbaikan atas sistem tradisional tradisional. Potensi investasi yang disengaja telah menyebabkan pertumbuhan pasar kriptografi yang menyedihkan. Pada bulan Juni 2017, ada lebih dari 700 perdagangan kriptokokus di seluruh dunia, dengan kapitalisasi bertanda gabungan melebihi US $ 100 miliar. Sampai sekarang kita semua berusaha memahami sifat masing-masing ICO dan positif, negatif dan kemampuannya. Setiap ICO mengumpulkan dana yang besar untuk ICO ICP. Tapi terlepas dari informasi yang diberikan oleh pemula, kita semua ingin memastikan bahwa informasi yang diberikan oleh berbagai lembaga pemeringkat dan pendapat investo...

LINA.REVIEW-Blockchain Based Review Platform

Apa itu Lina.Review ? Lina.Review adalah platform untuk meninjau di Blockchain, memanfaatkan keabadian blockchain untuk menghasilkan transparansi terbaik dan menciptakan kondisi bagi peninjau untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari memberikan ulasan berkualitas, serta mudah dan berinteraksi langsung dengan pengguna dan penyedia produk atau layanan yang sama sekali tidak berdaya. Lina bukan sekadar situs web tapi platform berbasis Blockchain sehingga setiap orang dapat membangun sistem peninjauan mereka sendiri untuk mengembangkan komunitas dan mengelola bisnis mereka sendiri. Semua saluran review berbasis Lina terhubung secara global. Solusi Dengan diterapkan pada teknologi Blockchain, akan membahas isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan dan kualitas ulasan mereka (melalui kontrak cerdas). Lina memiliki token bernama LINA. Platform Lina memperkenalkan pendekatan arsitektur hibrida, menjembatani antara rantai Ethereal publik (jaringan ...

Repux — Bridging Data Developers and Apps Together on its Platform

Website: Hallo all, in this new post I will introduce about the project Repent Statentralized Data Marketpalce, and for more details let’s just go to the following discussion: How it works Repux The company sells anonymous data and gets ink. Refux developers buy data for training machine learning algorithms. Developers then resell their smart apps to businesses for better business solutions. RepuX’s vision and objectives We have a vision to improve the reputation of data security and reputation. Bring new life to the requirements and data transfer system by creating a secure protocol between those who generate, collect and use data; This is to deliver meaningful results for your business. Using the protocol we have created, data manufacturers can easily access this data to end users and app users with Token RepuX. We will also make Token RepuX, which can be used as a tool for various transactions in various industries, and can be used for purchase or re...

GN Compass — Peer-to-Peer Lending Platfrom for Cryptocurrency -Backed-Loans

Gambar In 2008,Satoshi nakamoto Created the bitcoin protocol, which revolutionized the transfer of value,Since then,many other cryptocurrency protocols have emerged such as ethereum and Z-cash. GN Compass provides Cryptocurrency-Backed Loans to create constant liquidity in the lending marked.This is accomplished by allowing investors to sell portions of loans in their portfolio.investors are not locked in to the term of a loan and can liquidate loans for any reason(E.g finansial hardship, increased GNCT price etc,)only after a certain no-trade time period has been reached.the buying investors will reap the benefits of the loans being paid back by borrow while the selling investor still makes a profit.By using blockchain technology to verify and distribute all transactions across the ethereum network,it guarantess transparency. What is GN Compass People are getting lost in the current financial system. Let Great North Compass be your guide to creating value...

TradePlayz mobile platform for playing «Fantasy Trading and Investment»

Gambar Since the creation of the first publicly traded company on March 20, 1602, The Dutch East India Company, people with the means and desire to create a better future for themselves have equally desired to invest appropriately and wisely. With the ripple effect that has followed, investment in publicly traded companies and regulated currencies has become heavily regulated globally. The regulations, while necessary, have caused many hindrances for the common man seeking a better life in his or her pursuit of happiness. It is with this in mind that TradePlayz was created, to give knowledge and empowerment to anyone who is willing to work for their knowledge, play by the rules and exercise a healthy level of competition. Our deepest desire is to see each of our users / players grow in knowledge to apply it beyond the TradePlayz platform.visit  more information. TradePlayz is a mobile platform for playing «...


Website: VinChain is a Solution VinChain is a decentralized blockchain database that records all the history of a vehicle's changes. The vehicle history can be useful for users, buyers, sellers and markets as a consideration to determine the sale value of the vehicle. By using blockchain technology, all data read by the user will become immutable and may not be flawed. When a vehicle is used, the entire vehicle history will automatically be recorded on the VinChain database, then the ecosystem within VinChain can access that information. The ecosystem includes manufacturing, insurance companies, service stations, banks and leasing companies. So all the ecosystems on the VinChain Platform also have access to vital information from a vehicle. The ultimate goal of the VinChain platform can be read on whitepapers, while simply putting it , VinChain aims to make a vehicle industry more transparent, fair, and nothing to hide by some. Because the main prob...

CoinMetro - Fast and reliable in cryptocurrency exchange

Website: This system of blockchain is reliable because it is decentralized, and it is supported by many millions of users around the world. This is the basis of its stability and the prospect of further development for cryptocurrencies. Believe in them. In addition, the existing Fiat currency of various countries is also actually backed up only by trust. No gold reserve of a sta CoinMetro - Fast and reliable in cryptocurrency exchange te is not enough to support its currency. Cryptocurrency does not depend on a CoinMetro - Fast and reliable in cryptocurrency exchange ny states, their actions and financial policies. This is generally more secure and stable system, and I think in the future the world will move on cryptocurrencies and the current Fiat money gradually cease to exist. In different countries it is now accepted regulation, how to account for bitcoin and other digital currencies how to pay their taxes and so on — start payments in the cryptocurr...

Boosteroid - Personal Cloud Computer Untuk Semua Orang

Website : Seseorang dari abad ke-21 hidup dalam irama gila dan harus menyelesaikan banyak tugas sulit secepat mungkin. Tidak mungkin untuk memenuhi mereka tidak lama yang lalu, tapi sekarang, berkat perkembangan Internet dan teknologi baru, masa depan menjadi kenyataan kita. Saat ini, isu yang paling mendesak adalah akses terus menerus ke sumber daya modern yang akan memfasilitasi dan mempercepat solusi masalah global, akan memungkinkan mereka dilakukan di seluruh dunia dan online. Jawaban atas pertanyaan ini tersembunyi dalam penggunaan teknologi komputasi awan, yang semakin populer setiap hari. Tentang Boosteroid Boosteroid adalah platform layanan awan aman yang menyediakan akses mudah ke sumber daya komputasi, penyimpanan, produk perangkat lunak dan fungsi lainnya. Layanan kami akan memungkinkan untuk meninggalkan komputer pribadi yang mahal yang mendukung komputasi "awan" yang hebat dengan antarmuka yang mudah digunakan dan pengelolaan ...

Bitrace,Token Of Tunisia Racing F1 City

BITRACE INVESTMENTS LTD is a British investment company based in London, UK, which is a member of KJ Holdings Corp. The company is in process of developing the Tunisia Racing F1 City project, this project consists in building an integrated sports compound including a Formula 1 Track surrounded by top-class hotel and recreational units: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) in Hammamet, Tunisia. About BITRACE Investments LTD BITRACE INVESTMENTS LTD is a British investment company based in London, UK, which is a member of KJ Holdings Corp. The company is in process of developing the Tunisia Racing F1 City project, this project consists in building an integrated sports compound including a Formula 1 Track surrounded by top-class hotel and recreational units: (Total Assigned Land: 300 Hectares) in Hammamet, Tunisia. BITRACE INVESTME NTS LTD has succeeded to finalize a deal with BDSwiss Holding PLC, to allow its investors(BITRACE Buyers) to Trade Shares, Indices, FOREX, Commod...