Hero Token ICO SALE. Join now. Best ICO about BANKing

Symbol — HERO
Total stock 250,000 Ethereal (ETH) cost of hero-token (equivalent to 50,000,000 tokens). The final number of the hero tokens is determined after the end of the sale of the marker based on the amount deposited.
Interest in Hero:

Payment structure
Up to 20% of the distributed interest income is transferred to a certain Etherium wallet (ETH) every three months. Then ETH is redistributed to all holders of the hero’s tokens in accordance with reasonable contract terms (i.e., the percentage of interest income receives a proportionate share of the token owned).
Every Hero Token will be sold for 1/200 ETH, which means that 1ETH will give you 200 Token heroes. Additional token will be given to the original participant.
• Day 1 (first 3 hours) + 30% bonus;
• Day 1 (3: 01h-24h) + 20% bonus;
• day 2 and 3 + 10% bonuses;
• day bonus 4–7 + 5%;
• day bonuses 8–14 + 2.5%;
• The remaining bonus day is 14 0%.

How does it work?
The Client sends information about the goods to the pledge by phone or computer. After the client sends data about the subject through a series of drop-down menus, Opus connects the request to our pricing model, which instantly provides multiple loan offers to clients with different loan periods. Then the customer selects the preferred offer and passes the customer information, payment and shipping methods. Then Opus sends a courier to get it from the client’s house for free. In the Operations Center, the assessor assesses this subject. If the goods are not authenticated, they are returned to the client, and the customer is charged a 100 peso ($ 2) shipping fee. If the item is genuine, but not in the state indicated in the request, the expert estimates the cost of the revised item, and Opus offers new offers for the loan via SMS and e-mail. If the client receives a revised proposal, the loan is issued through Opus. If the client declines the revised offer, then the item is returned to the client for free. Before the loan maturity date, the customer can repay the loan through various payment options or apply for loan extension. If the customer is unable to redeem the item, the loan will enter a period of 1 month valid notice for electronic goods and up to 3 months for non-depreciable goods. At the end of the notification period, if the customer does not purchase the item and pay additional interest, Opus complements the legally binding public notice and makes the item available for sale on our trading floor.
Heroes collaborated n with leading companies in the verification of identity documents, which will be one of the elements that will “feed” our credit score data algorithms. Users can link their Hero profile to provide outside identification information: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, eBay / Lazada / Zalora / Shopee / Carousell / PayPal / Amazon or Google / Yahoo to add more data.
What Hero Token
heroes have been created to make both financial and social impacts. A hero’s token is the right to receive a gift, which is part of the earned interest income. It does not represent equity in the company or has intrinsic value. All tokens in aggregate shall have the right to receive up to 20% of interest income.
Values for
strategic investor token tokens are designed to add value to the Hero network:
1.Reward bearing tokens that generate interest income
2.Social impacts help access affordable served credit
3.Buy return: Companies can use a percentage of the profit for tokens buyback of heroes from the open market at prevailing market prices, so the token value should be more positively correlated with the success project
Price Hero Token
1 mark equal to 0.005 ETH (1 ETH will buy 200 tokens heroes)
Accepted Cryptocurrencies
Ethereum (ETH) ETH Classic, BitCoin (BTC) Ripple, litecoin, Wave
How do I benefit from a token?
Heroes have been created to make both financial benefits and positive social impacts.
A hero’s token is the right to receive a gift, which is part of the earned interest income. All tokens in aggregate shall have the right to receive up to 20% of interest income.
Token will be assigned pro rata to the funds provided during the sale of the mark. Up to 20% of distributed interest income is transferred to specific Ethereal wallets (ETH) on a quarterly basis. ETH is then distributed to all holders of Hero tokens in accordance with the conditions of smart contracts (ie shares of interest income earned pro rata share of tokens owned.) Long-term heroes will seek to distribute rewards in a shorter time, with monthly gift distribution targets.
In addition, a company may use a profit percentage to buy back the token of a hero from an open market at prevailing market prices, therefore the token value must be positively correlated to Hero’s success.
Token heroes are strategically designed to add value to the Hero network:
a.Reward bearing tokens that generate interest income
b.Social impacts help access
unearned affordable credit .Buy returns: Companies can use a percentage of the profits to buy tokens of heroes from the open market on prevailing market prices, because the token value should be more positively correlated with the success of the project.
Details Information:
Website : https://herotoken.io/
Whitepapper : https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/herotoken/Hero+Whitepaper_081417.pdf
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2088817
Telegram : https://t.me/herotokensale
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/PawnHero.ph?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PawnHeroPH
Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1370037
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