
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

BelugaPay-The World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Database

According to the World Bank’s Financial Inclusion Database, as of 2015, almost two-thirds of the populations of justfive countries — Indonesia, Philippines, Nigeria, Colombia, and Peru (a combined 630 million people) — remain unbanked. If one includes all middle income and developing nations, that number rises to a whopping 3 billion-plus humans without access to a bank account, let alone access to basic financial tools such as a debit card. Despite leaps made by financial technologies in the past few decades, it is clear that accesss to simple, 21st century financial utilities remains shockingly low. BELUGA aims to leverage these new technologies to develop an open source asset transferring platform. By thus providing the tools for small businesses and their customers in developing countries to go digital. Mission BELUGA’s mission to help the unbanked billions become part of a newer, better, and fairer global financial system. BELUGA will be fully compliant in every jurisd...

HACK VC Token Sale

HACK VC is a liquid venture fund on the blockchain. HACK is the Ethereum-based token issued to HACK VC investors. Hackers/Founders (H/F) is an organization that has been investing in top startups through an expansive global network. H/F’s portfolio of fifty-five technology startup companies has produced seven exits in only five years, including acquisitions by Facebook and Cisco. Hackers/Founders (H/F) created HACK VC to bring its successful approach to the blockchain, increasing accessibility and liquidity for investors. Traditional startup investors can only realize gains when a company is purchased or goes public. Liquidity events, such as acquisitions or IPOs, rarely happen in Silicon Valley, and even less so elsewhere. As a result, investors seldom profit, and have to wait approximately a decade to find out if they made a good investment decision. However, HACK VC is liquid. Investors in HACK VC can buy, sell and trade tokens in a fund that derives value from H/F’s pool...

Karma — World’s First Decentralized Smart Community Network

Bringing up a new Community Network is a big enough challenge. Organizations around the world who are trying to do so face many difficulties in choosing the right technology and solutions, the established Organization, with their Legacy Community Network, face similar and other difficult challenges. International Karma was established in 2015 with a mini to connect greatly between individuals and inspirational socially and professionally. With karma also each individual who is incorporated can have various events with very high performance, can conduct business meetings, social gatherings, and also can make an international visit. By carrying out the blockchain decentralized technology, karma uses ethereum as their primary layer. By using ethereum will certainly be able to apply the features of very much and also the rules of the KIT protocol by using a smart contract which will be in use and processed by the entire karmic network. By using blockchain will also be able to min...

Global Platform Connecting International Travelers and Local

MeetnGreetMe was designed to make travel experience a really personalized experience around the world and help travelers save their valuable time while outsourcing travel related tasks to dedicated and trustworthy local people. This paper describes the crowdsourced travel concierge service and lifestyle management ecosystem where everyone can find support they need before and/or during their trip as well as contribute with their skills to building an absolutely new concept of travel and hospitality. It explains benefits of the blockchain technology for MeetnGreetMe platform development, such as token based incentives to encourage and sustain mutually beneficial relations between major players and create environment for decentralized operations, a blockchain-based payment system, utilizing smart contracts for transparent and timely execution of agreements and includes terms of crowdsale campaign to bring a vision into life. What is MeetnGreetMe ? MeetnGreetMe is a global pl...

Hero Token ICO SALE. Join now. Best ICO about BANKing

ICO ??? Symbol — HERO Total stock 250,000 Ethereal (ETH) cost of hero-token (equivalent to 50,000,000 tokens). The final number of the hero tokens is determined after the end of the sale of the marker based on the amount deposited. Interest in Hero: Payment structure Up to 20% of the distributed interest income is transferred to a certain Etherium wallet (ETH) every three months. Then ETH is redistributed to all holders of the hero’s tokens in accordance with reasonable contract terms (i.e., the percentage of interest income receives a proportionate share of the token owned). BONUS SCHEDULE Every Hero Token will be sold for 1/200 ETH, which means that 1ETH will give you 200 Token heroes. Additional token will be given to the original participant. • Day 1 (first 3 hours) + 30% bonus; • Day 1 (3: 01h-24h) + 20% bonus; • day 2 and 3 + 10% bonuses; • day bonus 4–7 + 5%; • day bonuses 8–14 + 2.5%; • The remaining bonus day is 14 0%. How does it work? T...

MINERVA — The world’s first reverse processor

Built on the smart contract of Ethereum Blockchain, Minerva aims to provide incentives on platforms approved to adopt its crypto as a new payment method. Incentivization is achieved by rewarding this approved platform with a newly printed OWL token. This token is generated at the variable rate when the currency is used. Today’s digital currency has serious problems. They are rarely used as currency. The problem is coupled with excessive short-run price swings that create huge risks for many companies to accept crypto currency We envision a world in which smart contracts help overcome the problem of excessive price changes, changing the way business approaches crypto. By bridging the gap between business and customers, we hope to help bring the mainstream of digital currencies. What’s Minerva? MINERVA (OWL) is a crypto and platform that provides additional revenue streams to merchants who accept their tokens as a payment method. We strive to show less tough short-term fluctua...