
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

CashBag-Penghargaan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan jika berbelanja di Merchant yang berpartisipasi

e-commerce eceran penjualan akan meningkat dari $ 1,095 triliun pada 2016 menjadi $ 4,058 triliun pada tahun 2020, yang membentuk 14,6% dari total belanja ritel pada tahun2 . Unik cryptocurrency basis dompet pengguna telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 5,8 Juta pengguna unik pada tahun 20172 , tidak termasuk dompet yang diadakan di bursa yang dapat berkontribusi nomor bahkan lebih tinggi. Antara Bitcoin dan Ethereum saja ada lebih dari 31 juta dompet3 unik dan kapitalisasi pasar cryptocurrency Total melebihi $ 160 Miliar di Oktober 20174 Kecenderungan ini membuktikan bahwa adopsi token dan cryptocurrency sebagai unit dari nilai yang disimpan dengan cepat menjadi mainstream. Dalam ekonomi desentralisasi, demokratisasi (daripada berkonsentrasi) kepemilikan melalui insentif menciptakan nilai" Apa itu Cashbag ? adalah aggregator uang kembali transaksional yang memberikan penghargaan pelanggan dengan uang kembali ketika mereka berbelanja di merchant yang berpartisi...

StealthCrypto-Blokchain Security Technology at StealthCrypto

Introduction Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand visit . StealthCrypto  and the Stealth Grid development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryp...

Betex-Platform for P2P financial derivatives trading

What Is Betex ? Betex  is a leading-edge platform for P2P financial derivatives trading. It enables users to place bets on future changes against each other,visit Mission Betex is on a mission to bring clear-cut transparency to all financial markets and, that can conclusively eliminate the issue of trust. Betex Ecosystem Basically, you can access and interact with Betex ecosystem, being a: 1.Trader Betex for Traders (Bettors) Users can access and interact with Betex via: Web-based interface — ready; Mobile applications — in development; Desktop applications — in development; 2.Investor Betex for investors Investors can interact with the platform through their personal dashboard where both platform‘s general and investor's personal statistics will be stored.After the main BETEX Token Sale (01.03.2018-31.03.2018) BETEX token holders will be receiving their share of the platform's profit made on commission (see s...

AirPod - Decentralized Application Platform (DApp) Using Blockchain Technology and Tokenization

What Is AirPod ??? AirPod is full of cutting-edge technologies that enable users to undertake tasks in total privacy and comfort while still remaining in the heart of a public or commercial space. AirPod will encompass features to enhance the user experience such as Wi-Fi, touch screen monitor, air condition, sound reduction technology, privacy blinds in smart glass, mood lighting and anti-stress program. With AirPod sleek, ergonomic design, it could be slot into a multitude of surroundings. However, we have made the decision to first introduce AirPod into major airport hubs. After months of strategic analysis, the AirPod team concluded that airports are the ideal first setting to introduce AirPods. To help pioneer this introduction, we are developing a partnership with one of the largest companies in the business to help us facilitate the distribution within the largest international airports around the globe visit more information. Blockchain is e...

Mossland-mobile game based on real estate

What is Mossland ??? Mossland is a AR (augmented reality) gamified platform for owning and trading virtualized real-estate based on mechanics of Monopoly and Pokemon Go Website : Virtual assets owned in Mossland can be transferred to other location-based games or services through Moss Chain, the first blockchain for AR/VR assets. Next Generation AR Anything can now be virtualized thanks to a star team of Ex-Samsung and Ex-Google founders. Own and Trade Landmarks You can now own and trade valuable landmarks and real estate around the world in auction houses. P2P Advertising Mossland creates a new advertising platform based on the convergence of real location-based games with AR technology. Moss Coin Transactions are made with Moss Coin (MOC), a transparent and secured cryptocurrency which will be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. Moss Chain Ownership of assets is secured by Moss Chain, the first AR/VR assets blockchain. ...