
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

NTOK-Peer to peer platform pendidikan Online

Apa itu NTOK ? Platform NTOK ditujukan untuk mengatasi semua masalah ini dengan mengembangkan ekosistem les online berdasarkan teknologi blockchain. Peserta kunci NTOK adalah tutor dan siswa. Peserta lainnya termasuk penyedia konten dan konten pendidikan yang tertarik untuk menarik perhatian pemirsa NTOK terhadap produk mereka. Fokus utama dari platform NTOK adalah bahasa asing, topik dan topik populer lainnya, pendidikan prasekolah, instruksi tambahan untuk siswa K-12, serta kursus coding dan blockchain. NTOK memungkinkan tutor yang mengkhususkan diri dalam berbagai topik untuk bergabung dengan platform. Setelah menyelesaikan serangkaian pelajaran online, siswa dapat mulai bekerja dengan tutor yang berbeda mengenai topik yang sama, atau mereka dapat belajar dengan beberapa tutor secara bersamaan. Sifat platform yang terbuka berarti ekosistem akan tumbuh dengan cepat. Di NTOK, setiap siswa dapat menemukan tutor dan setiap tutor dapat menemukan siswa. Tidak seperti model “peran...

Bazista,E-Commerce Democratization

This document sets out the basic provisions and principles of operation of a new trading platform that will enable users throughout the world to buy and sell any goods and services by using different cryptocurrencies when making transactions. A c o m p l e x r a t i n g s y s t e m incorporated into our service,encouragement for participation in sales of other users’ goods and proper transaction support by the Bazista team minimise risks and make the purchase and sale process even more transparent and attractive than ever before. Even though we are not the first or last to try to realise our ambition, we are full of optimism and ambition to rank among those who develop new infrastructure, come up with and implement bold ideas and decisions that at the end of the day help make people’s life easier around the world. A good example for us is the success of Amazon and Ebay companies that have forever changed the trading rules in the B2C and C2C sector. Today we would like to introduce...

BITCOIN ATOM — New Hardfork Bitcoin, Brings A Truly Decentralized Way of Digital Assets Exchange

What’s Bitcoin Atom ? Bitcoin Atom (BCA) is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with atomic swaps, hybrid consensus and lightning network. Bitcoin Atom (BCA) brings a truly decentralized way of digital asset exchange with on-chain atomic swaps on board. Bitcoin Atom (BCA) is a SegWit enabled Bitcoin fork with on-chain atomic swaps on board and hybrid consensus. Bitcoin Atom enables truly decentralized digital asset exchange by utilizing hash time-locked contracts (HTLCs) and its own HTLC API, giving independence from intermediaries and any centralized entities. Bitcoin Atom’s development team is working on a special embedded toolkit for both on-chain and off-chain atomic swaps, allowing for exchanging any cryptocurrencies in a hassle-free way across different blockchains. Lightning Network off-chain swaps scheduled to be launched in 2018. Project’s core values bounty bitcoin atom coposed is: Independence Decentralization Transparency The Bitcoin Atom (BCA) fork took plac...

Tokenstars — the first celebrity management platform on blockchain

TokenStars is the first blockchain company to tokenize massive celebrities. It aims to provide funding and promotion resources to rising stars by disrupting and decentralising the talent management industry. Starting with issuing ACE tokens for the tennis vertical, the company plans to expand with new verticals, including football, poker, basketball, hockey, cinema actors, musicians, and models. Token Stars is the first company to tokenize athletes, help them to grow their careers, while giving investors a piece of what could be a huge pie. Lets say a investor contributed to Token Stars and was able to get a piece of many different players, and all but one failed, but that one was the next Serena Williams. You might see returns of 6–7 figured depending upon how much you contributed. TokenStars solves 4 major problems of market participants: 1. Talents (future stars). Tokenstars provides financial support to young talents at the critical junior age, so they don’t drop out... Influencers Advertising Marketplace

Social Media.Market The Decentralized Ecosystem to Discover,Create,Perfom and analyze advertising campaigns with social media influencers across any Social Network. We are building SocialMedia.Market — the first decentralized ecosystem to discover, create, perform and analyze advertising campaigns with social media influencers across any social network. Blockchain technology will simplify the integration between advertisers and publishers and decrease costs for all engaged parties. It will create a competitive marketplace that’s 100% safe and transparent, creating opportunities for thousands of influencers and brands all over the globe to form targeted audience exposure; engaging consumers in the most relevant way. We will help elevate advertising markets to the next level and take considerable market share very quickly as cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology become mainstream in the next few years. ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAMEDIA.MARKET PLATFORM A short list of advantages Social...


HELLO INVESTOR , disini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan mengenai solusi terbaik bagi identitas dengan blockhain yang aman dan nyaman bagi pengguna/ investor. mari kita baca dari awal hingga akhir mengenai persona. SEPUTAR PERSONA Artikel ini menjelaskan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh berbagai organisasi sehubungan dengan proses dan solusi KYC yang diajukan oleh Persona. Persona adalah solusi pengelolaan identitas berbasis blockchain yang memungkinkan individu untuk dengan mudah memperbarui data yang mereka bagikan dengan berbagai pihak ketiga serta meringankan upaya klien perusahaan agar data mereka tetap up to date. Teknologi Persona ARCH blockchain dan teknologi mutakhir untuk menawarkan solusi identitas lainnya yang aman dan lengkap. Produk ini sesuai dengan persyaratan GDPR dan menyediakan sarana untuk mengamankan tersimpan, didistribusikan, dan mengolah data. Persona dirancang sebagai aplikasi terdesentralisasi tanpa satu titik kegagalan, menyimpan catatan terenkripsi, semua ...