
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2018

INGOT Coin - the first fully integrated blockchain based Wallet

ABOUT INGOT COIN INGOT Coin is the first fully integrated blockchain-based Wallet with a Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Accelerator; all rolled into a holistic ecosystem which rewards token holders and cryptocurrency market participants for using it and contributing to it, in addition to granting them the opportunity to invest in a wide- ranging list of cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, stocks, as well as other financial assets and instruments. INGOT coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on ERC20 technology.Visit here IC Ecosystem INGOT Coin will create a complete solution by integrating 6 core ecosystem components and providing a one-stop-shop for the digital asset, traditional asset and currency markets to solve all the above-mentioned challenges, thus, creating a link between the crypto market and the tr...

ZeCash Революционная криптовалютность нового поколения на основе алгоритма PoS

С 2009 по 2012 год все криптосистемы, начиная с Bitcoin, работали с использованием алгоритма Proof-ofWork. В 2012 году, благодаря усилиям команды Peercoin, алгоритм Proof-of-Stake появляется в криптографическом мире. «Доказательство ставки» принципиально отличается от Proof-of-Work. В 2017 году платформа Ethereum объявляет о введении протокола Каспера. Ethereum быстро расширила свою рыночную капитализацию до второго места в криптосистеме. Суть развития Ehtereum заключается в инновационном сетевом переключении с PoW на алгоритм PoS. 2017 год - захватывающий год для международных финансовых рынков. Это происходит в основном из-за увеличения стоимости международной криптовалюты. То, что начиналось как технология в мире технологий, из-за бычьего быка, а затем хвастало Биткойном, который привлек внимание основных средств массовой информации. Бум и бюст от ныне известного биткойна, наряду с распространенным внедрением Ethereum, а также закодированным ERC20, монета полезности была движущ...

GigaHash Tokenized Cloud Contracts With Daily Payout

About GigaHash GigaHash`s assets and resources are directed toward reward programs as well as creating a positive impact on our planet. Users of GHS tokens have complete freedom to trade the tokens privately and on public exchanges. Once purchased, the value of GHS Token may fluctuate significantly due to a number of influences,whether market-driven, legislative or other.Read Whitepaper Whilst GigaHash is strongly committed to launching its operations and developing the GigaHash Mining platform, the token, mining farm and other projects, no guarantee is made in this regard. GigaHash assumes no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage that would result from or relate to the incapacity to use GigaHash tokens (GHS), except in case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence. GigaHash represents a new, highly-evolved breed of enterprise, built around SMART,sustainable cryptocurrency mining, but encompassing renewable e...

VoxeIX - Медицинская платформа DICOM имитирует радиологическое обучение

Привет всем, любители биткойнов в мире. В этом случае я расскажу о платформе под названием VoxeIX, для получения более подробной информации посетите наш веб-сайт по адресу или вы можете увидеть объяснение ниже. Многодисциплинарное обучение является одной из самых сложных задач в области медицинского образования, как на уровне аспирантуры, так и последипломного образования. И поскольку объем информации в медицинской науке растет быстро, спрос на этот вид обучения становится все больше. Таким образом, все участники могут делиться своими знаниями и делами предварительной проверки как лично, так и публично. И, таким образом, включив эту платформу с блочной цепью, мы сможем монетизировать онлайн-контент и создать стимулы для поощрения радиологов как издателей, так и валидаторов в создании и расширении сообществ платформ. С помощью маркеров Ethereum ERC-20 мы можем разработать алгоритмы подарков, которые платят радиологи за каждую небольшую доставку и обновление конт...

CGCX - Platform Pertukaran Cryptocurrency Exchange all-in-one

Hey semua,Para Bitcoiner Diseluruh Dunia Kali Ini Saya Akan Memperkenalkan Sebuah Platform CGCX,Exchange all-in-one yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk membeli dan menjual koin yang berbeda pada platformnya. Calfin Global Crypto Exchange - CGCX, menawarkan platform hibrida yang canggih.untuk lebih lengkapnya anda bisa kunjuungi situs web kami  atau bisa juga simak penjelasannya dibawah ini .... Calfin Global Crypto Exchange - CGCX, menawarkan platform hibrida yang canggih.Tidak seperti kebanyakan bursa yang hanya menawarkan perdagangan cryptocurrency, CGCX secara unik memposisikan diri di dalamnya dunia blockchain dengan menyediakan empat modul di bawah satu platform untuk menawarkan berbagai macam layanan kepada pelanggannya. Sebagai fitur keamanan yang unik, berkomitmen terhadap nilai keamanan kami, semua token disimpan di dompet pertukaran kami diasuransikan terhadap serangan cyber dan peretasan. Kami menawarkan kepada publik jumlah total 1 ...

CyBit - a Crypto Platform Utilizing Crowdfunding to Empower Startups and Investors

ABOUT CYBIT A Crypto Platform Utilizing Crowdfunding to Empower Startups and Investors. CyBit is an Open Source Ecosystem to facilitate Crowdfunding! Our platform is built on ERC-223 protocol with smart contracts for highly secure validation of transactions and protection from malicious attacks. It adopts methodologies that support infrastructure flexibility and ensures safety & stability of the system.Read Whitepaper . CyBit supports three kinds of fundraising campaigns; Initial Coin Offering, Crowd Investing, and Crowd Funding. CyBit offers a unique vehicle for Investors to finance projects through CBT as an underlying value token. We’re providing a comprehensive smart-contract capability for seamless execution of projects with full transparency and liquidity. WHY CYBIT A Springboard for Startups CyBit Tokens or CBT have many advantages over mainstream currencies. CBT tokens utilize the secure E...

VEIAG - Virtual Economic Investment Academia Guild

The Global understanding of develoment has changed over the years. Countries have agreed that sustainable development promotes prosperity,economic opportunity,greater social well - being ,and necessary protection for the environment. VEIAG is a global organization dedicated to the development and implementation of value based business projects around the world. we intend to offer financing,multidisciplinary expertise,professional service provision,and the application of positive practices.our strategies and operations are aligned with the universal principles on labour,human rights,sustainability,and anti - corruption. The VEIAG token will bridge the cryptocurrency market with the real economy by allowing crypto holders to actualize their portfolios with a gold backed ,hard asset token. the value will be directly linked to the profit margins from our network of sustainable development projects,providing investors with accurate real time value to each VEIAG token. About Veiag ...

Beyond Seen Screen enables you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content

ABOUT BEYOND SEEN SCREEN Imagine that you are watching a film, on any screen, based on a true story and that you are interested in details about those true events. Imagine that you are watching a music video and you want to know where the artist is on tour and where to buy tickets for their concert. Imagine you want to quickly get to the recipe that chef is preparing on your favorite cooking show. If you are a person who believes that this information should be easy to access, you are thinking like Beyond Seen Screen. Beyond Seen Screen (BSS) enables you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content on any screen to easily and quickly get information related to that content. All you need to do is focus your mobile device to your video content and get the information you want. It is that simple.Join our Telegram . Entertainment and information Effortless access to content related games, bloopers, interviews, VR/AR experience, etc...

Treon Ethereum blockchain-based utility token and e-wallet

Gambar  announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces the cost that will come closer, and here we will introduce the Treon. About Treon Treon (TXO) is an Ethereum blockchain-based utility token and e-wallet for paying utility bills using a robust technology in a completely decentralised and secure fashion. The utilities sector has had intermittent customer-centric innovations over the years. Disruptive blockchain technology utilised by the TXO e-wallet offers vast opportunities for utility providers to drive cost-efficiency and increase profitability while giving consumers greater control over their usage and wider financial inclusion and convenience. With Treon, we will make your utility bill payments a convenient one-click experience – anytime, anywhere...

Expercoin - Protocol AI powered decentralized network

The introduction of bitcoin was the beginning of the blockchain revolution, and since then blockchain technology has continued to grow into diverse areas of applicability. Ethereum, the second most popular blockchain in the world today has revolutionized the entire computing space with its use of the smart contract in consonance with blockchain technology. Protocol for AI-powered Learning Economies and Marketplaces Powered by Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab Expercoin is intent on building the world’s largest decentralized networks of marketplaces to advance learning and create jobs. Expercoin includes a protocol layer and front-end applications for users to build highly flexible autonomous organizations known as Republics. Our mission is to instantly allow anyone to create a specialized community with marketplaces for training, assessments, mentorship and work opportunities. Pillars of Expercoin's Career Ecosystem Once a Republic is launched, it will be able to include...