
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2018

Kaching Coins investasi paling lengkap di dunia dan didukung oleh Blockchain

Teknologi Blockchain menyediakan berbagai keyakinan digital yang dapat meningkatkan pasar uang untuk dikuasai oleh dunia cryptocurrency, Nilai perdagangan tidak pernah bebas dari naik turunnya fluktuasi nilai uang dan fluktuasi pertukaran uang, masuk akal untuk crypto komersial. perusahaan untuk menjaga sistem dari investasi, selain perusahaan tidak memiliki ide-ide kreatif, dan di sini kami akan menjelaskan tentang Perusahaan Koin Kaching. mengumumkan ICO di mana peserta awal diundang untuk bergabung dengan proyek ini dan berkontribusi pada harga serendah mungkin. KOIN KACHING Pada awal tahun, ada sejumlah besar pasar komersial dan komersial yang didominasi oleh pasar dan perusahaan kriptografi komersial dengan fitur-fitur tertentu. PERUSAHAAN COINS KARYA Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbesar dengan kesuksesan masa depan yang besar di dunia Cryptocurrency. Perusahaan KACHING COINS Menjadi salah satu perusahaan terbesar dengan kesuksesan besar di mas...

NollyCoin _ African Movie Community

Gambar announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces the cost that will come closer, and here we will introduce the Nollycoin. The Nollytainment Project is focused on developing a peer-to-peer movie streaming Platform using decentralized ledger system, and building an entertainment ecosystem, which uses blockchain technology, to provide lasting solutions to some major problems in the movie industries in 3rd world countries and beyond,Join to Telegram . ABOUT NOLLY COIN Nollycoin powers a Peer-To-Peer system for the publication, distribution and consumption of Movies, using decentralized ledger blockchain technology. Nollycoin powers a content distribution network that allows movie producers and their creative works collaborators t...

Invox Finance - invoice loan platform that enters the invoice financing industry worth US $ 2.8 trillion

Gambar  announces ICO where initial participants are invited to join this project and contribute to the lowest possible price. Blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for humans that increases the efficiency of value exchange and reduces the cost that will come closer,and here we will introduce the Invox Finance. About Invox Finance The Invox Finance platform is an invoice loan platform that enters the invoice financing industry worth US $ 2.8 trillion. Several sellers and buyers test the Invox Finance Platform with ABR Finance as a trusted investor. ABR Finance is a successful invoice finance company and has helped fund business in all over Australia with A $ 30 million in invoicing. Because the team at ABR Finance Pty Ltd is behind Invox Finance and ABR will be the first customer of Invox Finance. Platform will comprise of the following: 1. The Blockchain or Distributed Ledger (Ethereum Network) 2. Dynamic Invoice Smart Contrac...

Plentix _ A tokenized recommendation platform for the referral economy

What is Plentix ? Plentix is a decentralized blockchain based platform and application aiming to connect and reward all participants in an online referral program. Plentix is a blockchain-based project aiming to tokenize the referral economy and spread rewards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive awards in the form of discounts or Plentix tokens,visit here Plentix is a platform that gives developers both a tremendous amount of flexibility and the potential to earn via their developments. A developer can use the Plentix APIs to write their own software modules, either on-platform or via their own 3rd party application. On-platform modules can be integrated within the Plentix application. On-platform developers will earn income for every interaction a customer has through their development; i.e. Programmers can use Plentix’s feature set to write specifically tailored administrative panel for busines...

NEBULA AI - The Third Generation Blokchain

The blockchain technology provides a digital trust mechanism for human beings which enhances the efficiency of value exchange and reduces costs, the genuinely credible and efficient Internet of Value is approaching. In recent years, many breakthroughs have been made in the field of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence has now penetrated every corner of human society and will become an essential cornerstone of change in human society. Nebula AI is committed to building a decentralized artificial intelligence computing blockchain (NBAI) that reduces the energy costs of traditional Proof of Work by converting GPU mining machines into AI computing services.The AI transactions recorded on NBAI will be irreversible. The distributed computing network also ensures high concurrency and low latency computing power. The conversion of GPU mining machines makes it possible to provide more cost-effective artificial intelligence services,Visit

GREENBIT - CRYPTOAGRO Currency First Blockchain Decentralized

The world of blockchain finance and technology is currently being disrupted and through the adoption of various crypto currencies GREENBIT is developing a one stop market for the unique ecosystem digital currency economy business. GREENBIT is designed to create valuable tokens through the global agricultural economy and build a platform for the world's agricultural process which has its own ecosystem in a single market. GREENBIT creates a crypto currency ecosystem from orthodox agro-trade processes between agro-allied industries, industrial farmers, subsistence farmers, traders and the fewest consumers. This will provide an opportunity for fast transactions through agro and easy mobile payments, CENTRAL JOB NETWORKS that are adopted as insurance is a GREENBIT asset. WHAT IS GREENBIT ? GREENBIT is the First Blockchain CRYPTOAGRO based currency, a decentralized market place for Farmers, Merchants, Grocery Stores, Agro-allied Industries and Consumers, with a unique Ecosystem an...

Ecex.Exchange Pertukaran Klaim Elektronik berbagai jenis kontrak hutang

Ecex Exchange Platform Ecex.Exchange adalah teknologi berbasis blokchain online (klaim, piutang, perjanjian anjak piutang, divestasi klaim, dll.) Pertukaran Klaim Elektronik  yang mengumpulkan berbagai jenis kontrak hutang. Tujuan Planet Ziggurat adalah untuk membawa penugasan pada platform perdagangan Ecex.Exchange (Electronic Claims Exchange),Kunjungi Kami akan mengisi kesenjangan dengan menciptakan lingkungan pasar, sistem untuk platform perdagangan aktif perjanjian penugasan. Ini berarti mengubah pemilik dari banyak perjanjian dan dokumen, seperti klaim, faktur, dan perjanjian anjak piutang, semua tugas bersama. Hal biasa apa yang semua orang perdagangan adalah perjanjian jual-beli. Sangat mudah dipahami, setiap investor dapat membeli saham dan dia berasumsi bahwa yang terjadi di belakang sistem pasar elektronik, bagaimana pencocokan perdagangan terjadi dan apa konsekuensi dalam akun maka kesepakatan akhirnya di...

MIDEX The licensed exchange in the heart of Financial Platform

What is Midex ? Midex is the first international financial platform, combining modern banking technology, the opportunities of the internet of things, big data, blockchain technology, adhering to world-class standards of security and convenience,Visit here Why MDX tokens? 1.Up To 20% of Commission revenue may be distributed to the token holders in the future Midex token holdes fund consists of 20 % of daily commisions from operations on exchange and other services. This fund is distributed among token holders accordingly to their stakes.* *Nothing herein may be interpreted as an investment quotation of any kind. This quotation of MDX Tokens in not an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction. This document does not offer purchasing MDX Tokens to individuals and companies that do not possess sufficient legal capacity for participating in tokensale. 2.Get special internal Midex functionality with MDX tokens Increase your ca...